Phishing Attacks
Phishing is a prevalent means of initial attack for most
malware campaigns. Phishing consists of technical and social engineering
techniques to get a victim to infect themselves by interacting with a phishing
e-mail to initiate processes for the malware to work. Often this is enabling macros in Microsoft
Office documents (Aleroud & Zhou, 2017) . These documents
often invoke code (JavaScript, VBA, PowerShell, etc.) to further infect the
system and gain a foothold (Aleroud & Zhou, 2017) .
Before looking at phishing messages a brief analysis of the
server and client sides involved in email communication is necessary. E-mails
start off being created on a computer’s mail program (Outlook, Mail, G-mail,
Hotmail, etc.) and is sent to the sender’s mail server (sender) (Chiew, Yong,
& Tan, 2018) .
The server then sends the message through the network (internet) to the recipient’s
mail server (receiver). The receiver’s e-mail server pushes the message to the
client’s endpoint for viewing in its e-mail program (see Figure 1) (James, 2005) .
Phishing e-mails are come in different types for similar but
different purposes. The table below defines the most common types of crimes
committed by sending phishing e-mails (James, 2005) .
Some Types of Phishing:
Phishing can be used to commit crimes against unaware victims these crimes usually involve some type of credential stealing to take over accounts or identities. Some examples of crimes committed by these malicious actors using e-mails are (James, 2005):
Identity Theft
All phishing attacks are a
type of identity theft. However, some are specific like the ones listed in
this table while other criminals use the identity theft for other types of crimes.
These attacks try to get the victim to hand over their personal identifiable
Credit Card Scams
These scams try to get
the victim to input or give away their credit card account information. These attacks are similar to bank fraud. |
Bank Fraud
Malicious actors use
phishing to infect the victim with banking a Banking Trojan to steal account credentials
which allows them full access to the victims account.
Account Takeover
Its not just financial
institutions being affected. Other
industries and types of accounts are also under attack. These include |
Not all crimes are just what happens when phishing is sent to
a victim. Some crimes use phishing to assist in conducting the crime. Some
examples of crimes committed by these malicious actors using e-mails are (Chiew, Yong,
& Tan, 2018) :
Espionage is often conducted by getting a foothold into a network and
then using other hacking techniques to move laterally gaining more access.
This is usually conducted by nation states against another nation state but
could be corporate espionage where one corporation is spying on another for
competitive advantage.
Stealing Intellectual
Like espionage, stealing intellectual property is also conducted
through numerous attack vectors, one of which is phishing. While espionage is
to gain information, stealing of intellectual property can also be straight
stealing. This can be from criminal organizations, corporations or nation
state actors
Use of phishing for a pivot
Using phishing to gain a foothold or build trust with a victim as a
jumping off point to gain further access either in the virtual or physical
world. Usually, this is to steal anything to sell for profit.
Using phishing to gain foothold into network to gain access to servers
or other computer resources to mine cryptocurrencies.
Most phishing incorporates spoofing e-mail addresses,
websites or both (Chiew, Yong, & Tan, 2018) . A recent campaign
assessed as being perpetrated from Russia first sends the victim spoofed
e-mails with a malicious PDF attachment (see Attempt 1 below). When that didn’t
work the malicious actor sent a spoofed Microsoft Office 365 message (see
Attempt 2 below) to try and get the victim to click on a malicious link. Since
these were back to back this campaign is assessed as targeted. Especially since
the indicators of compromise are associated with Russian state actors and were
targeting U.S. defense contractors.
Below are common tools that are used to investigate a
cybercrime involved in email communication or committed by sending emails and determine
the e-mail is malicious (Aleroud &
Zhou, 2017) .
User Training
Users are the first line of defense and sometimes the last. The best
way to defend against phishing is educated users.
Security devices that trap information regarding attacker tactics,
techniques and procedures. This allows researchers to analyze current attack
Profile Matching
Countermeasures using profile matching use information such as URLs and
domain names, their credentials and characteristics to create a feature-based
profile. This is then matched against known bad profiles.
Ontology is a model of concepts and semantic association among those
concepts. New terms, phrases or expression can be modeled as concepts found
in phishing can be modeled as concepts. This allows for better detection of
sophisticated phishing that bypasses the traditional anti-phishing
As previously stated, the best way to defend against
phishing is user training (Jensen, Dinger, Wright, &
Thatcher, 2017) .
Users are the weakest link and the first line of defense against phishing
attacks. Training users to understand e-mail spoofing which includes how to
look up header information and decipher it is a good first start (Jensen,
Dinger, Wright, & Thatcher, 2017) . There are plenty of
resources to accomplish this.
Knowing how to read a header of an e-mail is also useful
(see table below for parts and definition of a header) (Jensen,
Dinger, Wright, & Thatcher, 2017) . Knowing where to
look for information may provide the receiver with information to confirm the
e-mail is malicious.
Derived from: |
Training users to hover over links to see what the link is, is also a good practice and an easy way to pick up on the deception (see example below).
There are numerous laws that outlaw this phishing activity. Two
of these laws are the Anti-phishing Act of 2005 and 18 U.S.C. Section 1028 are
used in the U.S. to deter this activity and fight cybercrime.
Anti-phishing Act of
2005 (
On February 28, 2005, introduced the Anti-Phishing Act of
2005. As reported on the Congress.Gov website the act amends the federal
criminal code to criminalize internet scams involving fraudulently obtaining
personal identifiable information (PII). The summary on the
websites states:
This act Imposes a fine or imprisonment for up to five
years, or both, for anyone who knowingly engages in any fraud activity or
identity theft under Federal or State law. This is defined by:
- Creates or procures the creation of a spoofed website or domain name.
- Uses that website or domain name to steal credentials from any person
- Falsely represents itself as a legitimate business
- Includes an Internet location or linking users to an online that falsely purports to be associated with a legitimate business
- Solicits means of identification from victims
18 U.S.C. Section
1028 (Link to definition)
Passed as part of the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrent
Act in 1998, it made identity theft a federal crime. However, this requires a
predicate offense. This means there as to be another crime and in committing that
crime also commits identity theft. Under this Act, a person is guilty if he/she
knowingly transfers, possess or uses without authority (permission) any
identification of another person with intent to commit unlawful actions, crimes.
Academic References
leroud, A., & Zhou, L. (2017). Phishing
environments, techniques, and countermeasures: A survey. Computer and
Security, 160-196.
Chiew, K. L., Yong, K. S., & Tan, C. L. (2018). A
survey of phishing attacks: Their types, vectors and technical approaches. Expert
Systems With Applications, 1-20.
James, L. (2005). Phishing Exposed. Rockland,
MA: Syngress Publishing, Inc.
Jensen, M. L., Dinger, M., Wright, R. T., &
Thatcher, J. B. (2017). Training to Mitigate Phishing Attacks Using Mindfulness
Techniques. Journal of Management Information Systems, 597-626.